Make. Publication

Manon Drielsma


Graphic Designer


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

The Challenge

To build a visual identity and over 40 custom illustrations a print and digital Deloitte publication celebrating creativity and design at Deloitte.

The Process

In close collaboration with the Magazine’s creative director, I started by developing the visual style, tone, and personality of the illustrations. This process involved deeply immersing myself in the stories and themes of the issue as well as extensively researching trends and visual techniques we could use to bring the issue to life.
I then brainstormed, sketched, and tested concepts for each of the stories and collaborated with the editorial and leadership teams to refine each unique illustration until we were ready to publish.
Colour Explorations for the hero image
Colour Explorations for the hero image
Spread from the final publication
Spread from the final publication
Spread from the final publication
Spread from the final publication
Spread from the final publication
Spread from the final publication
Like this project

Over 40 custom illustrations created for a print and digital Deloitte publication celebrating creativity and design, and the work we make.








Graphic Designer


Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Manon Drielsma

User-centred, end-to-end Product Designer

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Triple j's Hottest 100
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triple j app home page redesign
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Meets: An app for party throwers and goers