Morning Matters

Sofia Tendeiro

Brand Designer
Web Designer
UI Designer
Adobe Illustrator

Project Objective

About the Brand

Morning Matters is a specialty coffee brand from Portugal. With a young target audience, mostly millenials and Gen Z. Their mission is to provide good quality coffee, while being authentic and non-pretentious (like most specialty coffee brands in the market), and to create a community around having a slow morning routine. The brand has a quirky, fun and witty tone of voice, is extremely creative and inspiring.

The vision

The Idea behind this direction is to create a young, powerful and joyful brand. It’s contemporary, simple, and authentic, at the same time having a very positive, fun, and fresh vibe.

The idea is to create a logo with a typeface that is simple and clean but has some movement and curves in the letters, representing the movements of the body.

The colors represent the earth, purity, health, and growth.

Using inspiring photography that connects the user with the outdoors, nature, and human connection.

The website would have a very clean typeface and rounded buttons, with colored blocks. Using positive messages that tell Perla Joy’s story and the inspiring innovative business behind her.

This branding says LIGHT, HOPE, and JOY.

Website Mockup

(in construction...)

UI Design for branding Morning Matters

Visual Identity

Primary Logo
Typography Pairing
Color Palette
Packaging Morning Matters

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