Emmanuel | Front-end Engineer

Emmanuel Ayodele Bello

Graphic Designer
Frontend Engineer
Product Designer
Visual Studio Code

Overview: I have a creative and expressive personality. I wanted something that added this personal touch to my professionalism and that influenced a lot of the decisions I made while building out the third iteration of my personal portfolio website. I made use of animated SVGs to make things more alive and less static.

Tech stack: Design: Figma. SVGs created with Adobe Illustrator. Frontend: React.js Deployment/Delivery: Deployed to netlify. Github: https://github.com/THEmmanuel/Portfolio-2.1

Process: Design: I used Figma for design. I designed a minimal UI full of little technical details and Easter eggs. Visit and see for yourself!

Development: The most obvious aspect is probably the animated SVGs. I created them myself with Adobe Illustrator and had them animated with CSS and JavaScript. I ended up using SVGator to save me some time. I also added the parallax effects on the project cards to add more interactivity.

Deployment: Deployed to Netlify with automatic Deployment setup from the GitHub repository. Future: My portfolio is my personal playground. I use it to test out new designs and ideas, so it's hard to say where this will go. But it's always evolving. Just like me.


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