GS&F + iComm (Visual Design UI)

Zuki Modunkwu


Visual Designer


UI Designer

Adobe Illustrator



The task for the project from the Creative Director was to come up various UI iterations of the A.O. Smith iComm mobile app. iCOMM™ Elite utilizes the latest technology in commercial water heating and allows the user to interact and proactively manage, and monitor their A. O. Smith water heater.
Additionally, I was also tasked with creating the user flow that incorporates information for the user to opt into the demand response feature, however, the first thing I did in order to start the design process was to come up with elements that would be viewed as more striking in the water heater function screens.

Neumorphic Elements

I know in many design spaces neumorphism can be frowned upon as a concept, however, I decided to implement neumorphism into the circular progress for temperature in order to add more dynamic depth to it. I believe the way I showcased it was still very tasteful.

Dark Mode

In addition, I wanted to play with the concept of dark mode and the transition period, similar to what you see in the Nest App from morning, afternoon, and night. ​​​​​​​I also added a toggle option if the user decided to opt out of this future.

Demand Response

Demand response provides an opportunity for consumers to play a significant role in the operation of the electric grid by reducing or shifting their electricity usage during peak periods in response to time-based rates or other forms of financial incentives.
Demand response programs are being used by some electric system planners and operators as resource options for balancing supply and demand. The goal of the feature in the app was to provide information to the user about opting into Demand Response in short user flow flow of screens.


It was an interesting process to navigate the exploration of a pre-existing UI and visual design system. There were already set constraints so it was opportunity to try and stretch things while staying in bounds of what was required for this exploration project.
If I had more time I would have liked the opportunity for additional visual design element to pre-existing flows within the application. Nevertheless, I enjoyed working on this project and I look forward to designing concepts similar to this!
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Posted Jul 28, 2023

The task for the project from the Creative Director was to come up various UI iterations of the A.O. Smith iComm mobile app. iCOMM™ Elite utilizes the latest te






Visual Designer


UI Designer

Adobe Illustrator



Zuki Modunkwu

Product designer specializing in UI+Visual Design.

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