Help User To Pay The Installment On Flip Lending Way Easier

Muhammad Aziz


Interaction Designer

Product Designer

Design Systems Specialist


🎬 Introduction

Currently, Flip has piloted their Lending product where we invite applications form users and forward them to our banking partner for processing and eventual loan disbursement. However, the loan lifecycle is not complete since the repayment is either done using another app or by using another feature in Flip app (money transfer). 
In addition, the information provided on the repayment page is static and only shows the installment dates and amounts and is not very helpful to the user since it does not allow users to make a payment and does not provide details on completed payments.
Current Flow
Current Flow
Current Design
Current Design

😢 Current Problem

For Flip,
Not having real time information, will have a possibility of user pay the installment late
Flip needs to wait for bank partner report to know if a user pays their loan as the only source of data, take up to week+1.
For users,
Cannot track their historical payment
Need contact Flip's bank partner to check the payment status
Don’t know current outstanding loan amount
Don’t know their actual installment amounts - if late
They need to make the payment though mobile banking or send money feature at Flip

✨ Expectations

User should be able to...
Pay their loan installment via Flip (payment on time & late)
Verify repayment details from the BPRS repayment report
Check their loan status on the Loan Repayment page
Receive payment reminders via PN

👀 Benchmark To Other Similar Apps

🕺 Information Architecture

✏️ Design Exploration

1st Draft
1st Draft
Final Draft
Final Draft

🔍 Validate It!

Users are not aware of the prominence of the check button on the delay repayment page and attempt to click it even when it is already checked by the system. Recommendation: Improve the visibility of the check button on the late repayment page.
The "Next Installment" page should display the entire instalment schedule rather than just three months, requiring them to click a button to expand it. By showing the complete instalment schedule by default, users can have a clearer overview and avoid the need for additional interactions. Recommendation: Expand Information on the "Next Installment" Page
Some users expressed the expectation of being able to make early installment payments for upcoming months. Providing this feature would meet user expectations and offer flexibility in managing their payments Recommendation: Enable Early Installment Payments for Future Months
One respondent suggested offering additional benefits, such as loyalty points or increased limits, to users who consistently make on-time payments. Recommendation: Consider offering incentives for users who consistently make on-time payments.
Users suggest to create such a simulation info about how the loan and product work, this would provide clarity about the product they are applying for. Recommendation: Exploring the simulation idea can help resolve clarity issues
One user suggested adding a countdown timer on the installment payment page to show the remaining hours, minutes, and seconds until the due date. Recommendation: May be considered especially for payments on today's due date.
One user get contacted by the BPRS about the unpaid installment payments. Meanwhile, user already do the repayment to Flip. At first he is concern about the system that seems not automatically updating between Flip and BPRS. And he also wonder why do he get the calls from BPRS instead from the Flip team, because he felt that the product used was a Flip product and that Flip should have the authority to contact users regarding installment payments issue. Recommendation: Investigate this issue with internal data and similar complaints

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Posted Nov 4, 2024

Improvements on the lending product








Interaction Designer

Product Designer

Design Systems Specialist


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