Designed New Digital Product At Flip: Electronic Money Top Up

Muhammad Aziz


Interaction Designer

Product Designer

Design Systems Specialist


🎬 Introduction

Digital product is one of the biggest revenue generator at Flip. We already added a bunch of high demand digital product which are phone credit, data package, BPJS, etc, and we keep adding more and more digital product to the user in order to grow the revenue.
Game Voucher is one of the highest trx-ed products after our existing product. So, adding game voucher will be impactful for us and contribute to company revenue in over all.

✨ What Problem Will Be Solved?

We will be able to make flip a single place where all bill payments can be done so our users don’t have to change apps, hence increasing retention for flip as well as gaining new customers.

🧭 Discovery

I'm not a gamer, so I need to learn and observe from the real gamer so I'll now how they usually behave, and understand the pain points. I talked to several Flip internal employee that heavily playing games, and I found this:
Most of them have their own fav games, often times only play their game, not trying new games
They prefer to buy the voucher or topup wallet for the provider like steam
Usually buy the item from the game itself
Findings from mas Gusty:
Playing games took so much money, we cannot get a best item if not buying currency (diamonds, etc etc)
He always using DANA for buying voucher, more cheaper, and he believe some reseller also using DANA, like the price can be 50% cheaper compared if we buy it directly from the game.
He plays Mobile Legends, and prefer to buy ML direct topup (only available at iOS/Website), bc it’s cheaper and not complicated, like needs to redeem voucher code first, etc etc. Eventhough he plays using Android, he still using iOS for buying the voucher (direct top up) - it’s doable
We confused there’s ML Mobile and ML Mobile Powered by Google Play. ML Mobile is for direct top up, and powered by google play, he needs to redeem the google play wallet first.
He confused at the first time where to find the ID
In ML, there’s 2 field: User ID and Server ID. In DANA, the server ID will not be saved, so he struggle to find the ID again, back n forth process, even when he using “buy again” on the trx history. He said, save ID will be very helpful for him.
He tend to use credit card
DANA using webview, some how webview seems have not good experience (lag, not smooth, etc)
He loved the fav. section, he said maybe if he can just using love/star button to mark as favorite would be great. For example, he has 5 games, and just want to add my fav games there, so in the future if he wants to buy voucher, he just easily got the game he wanted.
He thinks search function really helpful for him, it faster when he already know what game that he want to find. Different with the pills, he thinks it’s good only for discovery.
Idea from him relating the pills, maybe we also can have a categorization of the game type, for example RPG Game: Genshin Impact, etc etc
He founds voucher info is good for the first time, especially for powered by google play
He thinks having list of the game instead of grid is a better approach, it’s easier to see and scan

👀 Benchmark To Other Similar Apps

✏️ Design Exploration

🎨 Final Design

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Posted Nov 4, 2024

Contributed to the company's revenue goal, by created a new digital product that provenly drove a great revenue








Interaction Designer

Product Designer

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