As for the working principle of our game, the first loop starts from expansion, the main action is to clean the carbon dioxide in the air, in which we can fight monsters in the game. After we fight monsters, we will be rewarded with experience (exp) and good items so this is called the Major reward. Hence, the process from major Action to Major Reward is an outer loop that requires a moderate to high investment to build. In short, this is the first loop that includes Expansion, Major Action, and Major Reward. The second loop starts from Expansion to the Main action, in which the Main action we will perform small missions in the dungeon. After completing the mission, it leads to Minor Reward, where we get lower exp and less valuable items than the first loop. However, the process from the Main action to the Minor Reward is an Inner Loop process that takes a lower investment than the first loop. After we level up, get new characters, unlock missions, and get a new dungeon, it will lead us to the challenge of planting our trees where we must invest in procuring and equipping the equipment. including repairing and preserving the warrior’s existing trees. Also, buy warrior plants and collect more items. In addition, we can use Golden or Normal Seed points for investment as well. Moreover, we can convert our money to buy seeds in the game. From connecting with our goals, we can conclude that this game can use your money to plant trees to help reduce the air pollution caused by human vehicular travel.