
Piotr Herdzik



Creative Writer

Content Writer

Google Drive


The world of big M&A deals is filled with paperwork. Documents can pile up at an unbelievable pace, and finding a file from a couple of months back can be almost impossible. Not to mention the security risks of this kind of document handling.
This is why companies like iDeals offer virtual data rooms. They provide a virtual space that enables an organization, secure collaboration and the ability to show important documents to interested parties.
A hard drive to signify storage!
A hard drive to signify storage!
My role in this project💽
Product reviews, use cases, landing pages, and explanatory articles - this is the kind of content that a virtual data room provider could use. My content was related to topics like overviews of the competition from an unbiased perspective, showing how you could utilize virtual data rooms in acquiring investors, or explaining what kind of forms you need to fill out for SEC.
As my job is a little easier thanks to the briefs I get from the company, the process of writing an article is straightforward.
I start working on the topic by getting to know the brief
I check the listed resources and study the subject
I take the structure presented in the brief and start writing around it
After completing the draft, I leave it be for 24h
I come back to the draft and edit the parts that do not “flow”
I try to put in any remaining keywords before using Grammarly
I use Grammarly for any suggestions that I would like to make
HemingwayApp is the second software I use to get rid of any too long sentences or the overuse of passive voice
I read the text one more time
I put the article into a plagiarism checker
After putting a blog article through all of those steps, the writing is lean and confident. There is no space for unnecessary, complex wording, or multilayered compound sentences. People who are in need of a virtual data room do not have time to spare, so the writing needs to be to the point. No babble allowed.
The cooperation with iDeals results in articles that aim to educate. Potential clients get to know the benefits of using a virtual data room or a board portal in an easy-to-understand way.
Want me to help you turn difficult business jargon into more human-like writing? Click here to get to know my services better.
Here are some other examples of my writing. Click here!
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Posted May 14, 2021







Creative Writer

Content Writer

Google Drive


Piotr Herdzik

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