However, Antonia did not stop there. She continued on to what her inner drive for her search for beauty and mystic pushed her towards. She delved into a world completely enveloped in fantasy, whimsy and enchantment. This was the world of luxury events based on the most fantastical notions of storytelling, using costumes and theatrical
designs that would carry you into another realm! Sautter amazed the world with her innovation and artistic talent. This love for planning events filled with whimsical glory, led Sautter to creating Il Ballo del Doge® ®-an international Gala event of the Venice Carnival. Vanity Fair described the event as “the most sumptuous and exclusive, famous and coveted social event in the world”. Il Ballo del Doge® was a perfect reflection of Sautters’ creativity and eye for design. She truly embodied her love for the creative arts and specifically her passion of the intricacy of the fabric and how it was manufactured. She is also passionate about costume history, and reveled in the ancient manufacturing methods. Her work, speaks for itself, and is world renowned. In 1999, the legendary
American Filmmaker, Stanley Kubric, selected Sautter to make the masks which were to be featured in his masterpiece of a film, Eyes Wide Shut. Antonia Sautter has been acknowledged and celebrated by numerous universities and private companies. In 2011, she was honored with the honoris causa degree in Entrepreneurship and Events management from the European Institute of International Management of Paris. Furthermore, she was recognized with the Venetian of the Year award for “commitment in promoting and spreading the vivacious uniqueness at an international level of the image of Venice”. She has achieved and received so many more accolades. She is truly a Venetian icon and her work for Il Ballo del Doge® has not gone amiss.