titli design - Shopify store & custom Theme development

Ankur Puri ⭐️

🔥 New business, new e-commerce website

titli design started off as an ethnic, authentic & trendy online Indian jewelry webstore that caters to the US market.
The client, being an immigrant from India themselves, wanted to provide potential customers the option to purchase artisan-crafted jewelry made in India, available for delivery to the US shores in days; not weeks, not months!
titli design hero shot
titli design hero shot

🔥 Turning designs into a real Shopify store

✔️ Competitor research & mood board ✔️ Mid-fidelity wireframes ✔️ Logo design ✔️ Branding and packaging ✔️ Shopify storefront setup ✔️ Shopify product & collection setup ✔️ Shopify custom theme development ✔️ SEO optimized content

🔥 Client asked → I delivered = Client 💰🤩💰

🚀 I turned their idea into a reality - their own boutique jewelry store that, daily, generates organic traffic via their SEO optimized collections & product pages, leading to high CTR and monthly revenue.

Ankur helped us along the entire Shopify process, from web design to store creation, from setting up products and creating systems to manage inventory in collections, he delivered in all areas. Without his consistent guidance & expertise, it would have been difficult to navigate as a first time business owner.

〈 Sona C. - Owner of titli design 〉

→ Wireframes

By showing & discussing wireframes at mid-fidelity level, it made it easier for the client to visualize ideas and build trust in order to deliver a website they would love.
titli design home page
titli design home page
titli design catalog & products list
titli design catalog & products list
titli design product details
titli design product details
titli design cart side-panel modal & shopping cart page
titli design cart side-panel modal & shopping cart page

→ Final screens

Here's a few screenshots from the final Shopify build.
Visit the live website at https://titlidesign.com/
titli design catalog
titli design catalog
titli design product details
titli design product details
titli design responsive website on mobile
titli design responsive website on mobile
titli design product browsing experience on mobile
titli design product browsing experience on mobile
titli design shopping cart side-panel on tablet & mobile
titli design shopping cart side-panel on tablet & mobile
titli design cart side-panel on tablet
titli design cart side-panel on tablet
titli design checkout on tablet & mobile
titli design checkout on tablet & mobile
titli design logo
titli design logo
titli design mailers, coupons and packaging
titli design mailers, coupons and packaging

Are you in need of a Website?

Let's discuss how I can support your business objectives by selecting one of my services. I appreciate you reaching this far ⚡️ Thanks for your interest in my work.
Ankur Puri @ankurpuri
Like this project

Posted May 5, 2024

→ End-to-end design & development of boutique Indian Jewelry store on Shopify ✔ Logo, Branding & Packaging, Inventory mgmt. & custom Theme dev. using Liquid

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