→ ecoLawn helps you find eco-friendly lawn care contractors in your area
→ schedule a hassle free one-time or recurring service & manage it online
→ manage multiple properties, pay by credit card, leave reviews, etc.
→ help the environment by going electric (say no to gas!)
ecoLawn mobile app screens
🔥 Why ecoLawn in the first place?
Based on market research, there are over 80 million single-family homes in the U.S. and, presumably, all of them require some form of lawn care on a regular basis.
Majority of busy/working home owners would rather prefer to spend their time doing things they love instead of mowing the lawn.
Per EPA, a new gas powered lawn mower produces equivalent air pollution in one hour as 11 new cars, each being driven for one hour.
🔥 Research & analysis
Research questions
What are the reasons for hiring a lawn care contractor?
How do home owners search and hire a lawn care contractor?
Do home owners care enough about growing air pollution to adopt eco-friendly services?
Research plan
Conduct a Semi-structured interview
Conduct a Survey
Gather and synthesize research data
Research data
Interview notes synthesis
Affinity map analysis
Themes & opportunities
ecoLawn research - interview notes
ecoLawn research - affinity map
ecoLawn research - themes & opportunities
🔥 Design artifacts
ecoLawn wireframes for login, search & service screens
Final deliverables
ecoLawn style guide & design system
ecoLawn user on-boarding screens
ecoLawn search & service results screens
ecoLawn service checkout flow
ecoLawn service location & plan management screens
🔥 Design usability & performance
10 participants were recruited for remote usability testing of hi-fi prototype using Lookback tool. The intent was to gather feedback and make iterative changes as needed and help with validation of recent enhancements to certain flows.
Following tasks were selected:
Search & select a service
Checkout a service
View upcoming service
🔥 Outcome
✔️ Ecolawn provides value to not only users, but creates value for service providers as well, while reducing impact to global air-pollution.
✔️ Ecolawn is offered as a convenient, flexible and easy to use mobile-app to those looking to hire lawn care contractors using their smartphone without having to deal with old-school methods of finding and hiring a reliable contractor.
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