eMusic - Mobile app and Landing page

Ankur Puri ⭐️


Mobile Designer

Web Designer

Web Developer




🎵 Online music streaming app concept

→ listen to your favorite music online via streaming → tune into your favorite radio channels or featured playlists → heart your favorite tracks or enjoy the shuffle

📱Mobile app (iOS)

→ The design of the app is inspired by the trendy soft-UI, better referred to as Neumorphic in the industry, and my inclination towards experimenting with a slightly minimalistic design.
eMusic mobile app screens
eMusic mobile app screens
eMusic radio stations, now playing & featured screens
eMusic radio stations, now playing & featured screens

🖥 Website landing page

→ Created a rather simple landing page website with minimal animations tied to view & scroll based movements. Hosted on Firebase, built with Webflow, HTML, CSS, jQuery.
→ You can view the site instance by clicking the link here
eMusic Landing page


eMusic landing page hero section
eMusic landing page hero section
eMusic landing page top features section
eMusic landing page top features section
eMusic landing page radio station feature section
eMusic landing page radio station feature section
eMusic landing page download (cta) section
eMusic landing page download (cta) section

Are you in need of a Website?

Let's discuss how I can support your business objectives by selecting one of my services. I appreciate you reaching this far ⚡️ Thanks for your interest in my work.
Ankur Puri @ankurpuri
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→ Online music streaming mobile app (iOS) with a Neumorphic inspired style, and an accompanying Landing page developed using Weblow and deployed using Firebase.






Mobile Designer

Web Designer

Web Developer




Ankur Puri ⭐️

Mobile & Web Designer 🚀 Framer & Webstudio Expert + Partner

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