Hobbies in Your Early Twenties

Hailee Gabbard



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As an early twentysomething, the amount of freetime accessible can be overwhelming. There is no longer a need to do homework, study 24/7, and go to class. There is also a decrease of constant social activities available. No more sports after school, lunchtime with peers, or living within a five-mile radius of all your best friends. It is easy to get caught into the black hole of social media and Netflix and wasting time before it is time to repeat the same workday over again. But, consciously marking out time in your day to consume with hobbies instead of nothingness is imperative to mental wellness. 
Hobbies offer a much-needed escape from the daily grind. Engaging in activities that you enjoy and are passionate about allows you to unwind, recharge, and de-stress. They also foster personal growth and skill development. They provide an opportunity to explore new interests and develop talents that might otherwise remain dormant. Engaging in hobbies broadens your horizons, exposes you to different perspectives, and enhances your problem-solving abilities. 
Additionally, hobbies can also serve as a means to build social connections and create lasting relationships with like-minded people. These connections can offer support, inspiration, and even potential career opportunities in the future. 
So what should you be doing for your hobbies? 
It is essential to have four types of hobbies, one that is creative, one to get your brain learning, one to keep you active, and one to make you money. 
Now, this is easier said than done. How can we just pick up four hobbies at once? It is just not attainable. Try to focus on one hobby at a time until they become a part of your daily routine and it is easier to add-on another hobby. 
A creative hobby - 
Becoming a DIY queen is one of the coolest things you could do. Being able to make and create the things that you do or enjoy makes that activity so much more fulfilling. Everyone has such different interests and embracing your creative side can be life-changing. If you are interested in fashion, give crocheting or knitting a go. This is an amazing hobby to create some future favorite pieces for yourself or to create thoughtful gifts for others. To start a creative hobby can be hard because there is such a stigma that you have to be good at something to be able to do it, and that is absolutely not the case. To be a painter you just have to paint. Arts and crafts are so subjective anyway that your garbage is someone else's art. Just start to create and you will find something you enjoy. 
Some ideas - 
Crocheting, knitting, sewing, painting, ceramics, photography, video production, writing, etc. 
A mentally active hobby- 
Since many people in their early twenties are newly graduated from school, there is no longer someone else forcing you to learn anything new and that task is now fully up to you and what you choose to do with it. There are so many cool things to learn, and it is now fully up to you to decide what you want to learn more about. But, without this push from an outside force to continue to learn, it can be easy to not want to learn anything new. It is important to keep on pushing yourself to learn new things and force your brain to evolve and grow. 
Some ideas - reading, writing, learning a new language, learning about history, puzzles, word games, etc. 
A physically active hobby - 
Trying to stay active while pursuing a 9-5 corporate job can be difficult. Now you have to really plan your day to figure out the best time to exercise. Having something that keeps you active does not have to be a chore though. When you begin working full-time, it is hard to want to do anything after your work day because you are exhausted, so that is why making exercise something that you want to complete is so important. You do not just have to go to the gym. There are so many workout classes available online, you can try out new exercise methods like dancing, yoga, pilates, kickboxing, and so many more. Transitioning into adulthood can be a very tricky time, and making sure to exercise is as important for mental health as it is for physical health. Active hobbies can also be a great way to socialize with friends. 
Some ideas - running, walking, hiking, swimming, yoga, biking, dancing, kickboxing, pilates, lifting weights, etc. 
A moneymaker - 
The last hobby you should try to incorporate into your routine is something that makes you money. You can start to monetize the things you are doing for fun and have some extra spending money for the other things in your life. You can start to sell the creative things you have made, the skills or information you have learned, or go in another direction altogether. 
Some ideas - an Etsy shop, selling your skills, enhancing your social media, creating a YouTube, sell your clothes, etc. 
I would recommend these hobbies to anyone. It is so fun and fulfilling to learn new things. Try one hobby first and see if you can add more over time! Having hobbies in your early twenties helps to create a healthy work-life balance. It prevents burnout and ensures that you are making time for yourself, outside of professional or academic burnout. Don’t underestimate the power of hobbies and make it a priority to pursue your interests alongside your other responsibilities. 
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Posted Jun 5, 2023

Why you should have hobbies and a complete list of the types of hobbies and ideas for each.







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