Revamped Product UI

Adam Churcher


Product Designer

UX Designer





As part of Sportech's digital transformation, a number of their digital products have been updated to coincide with the new brand and the pivot towards a more forward-thinking and modern user experience.

Player Account Management (PAM)

I've recently re-skinned Sportech's back office system and player account management UI. I've redesigned the whole system from the ground up with a focus on usability, but also dragging the aesthetics of the offering into 2020.
The back office is incredibly data and table heavy and it was a challenge to ensure the layouts would be able to hold and display the necessary data in the most efficient way. I used InVision's Craft plugin to create a high-fidelity prototype, linking each individual element to its designated task. This allowed stakeholders to see the system in action with no development requirements whatsoever. You can see some of the back office above, including the intricate links that enable the prototype function.

NGT Terminal UI

NGT was an existing application, under the Sportech brand, sold and white-labelled to betting operators. This project required me to re-skin the existing system UI with Sportech's new brand identity, while keeping the app simple enough for potential white-labelling in the future.
I created the initial wireframe mockups on paper that were presented for consideration before moving onto high-fidelity designs and prototypes. All UI work was undertaken in Sketch, supplemented with InVision's prototyping tools. Below you can see some of the landscape-oriented screens with their detailed user flows.
Halfway through the project, it was noted that the app would also have to be available in a portrait mode (it was initially a landscape, tablet-only project) due to the new offering of including a mobile app alongside the tablet version, as well as a large, portrait-standing betting terminal.
The project has been a success, with all designs receiving final sign off before being handed over to the development teams for build. Global sales teams will begin selling the new product to potential clients, while existing clients receive the updated UI in the near future.
The prototypes I contributed to were featured at the 2020 Asian Racing Conference in South Africa and allowed attendees to interact with the new technology ahead of the roll-out. Some photos from the conference can be seen below.
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Posted Feb 24, 2021






Product Designer

UX Designer




Adam Churcher

Senior Visual Designer

Brand Communication
Brand Communication
Creative Direction
Creative Direction
Website Launch
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iOS App Lauch
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