I wrote an elevator pitch for a Gen Z home buying solution

Dan Hays

Copy Editor
Microsoft Word

The buyer was having difficulty describing his service, which was a new app to help home buyers, specifically targeted at Gen Z customers. As I studied what he was trying to accomplish, I realized he was attempting to simultaneously pitch to two very different audiences - the buyers, and potential investors. It needed to be separate elevator pitches. I wrote the first pitch for the home buyers, then copied and edited a second version targeting investors. I gave him suggestions about how to use the pitches.

Here's what he said about the pitches I wrote:

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Dan was a pleasure to work with. He exceeded all expectations and delivered high-quality work. His professional touch gave me the confidence to face investors. He is a great communicator and I would love to work with him again."

Elevator Pitch for Hombaez - Home Buyer version

Hi, I'm ­­­­______________. I'm the ______________ for Hombaez.

Our Hombaez mobile app targets younger home buyers.

The traditional home buying process is not tailored to the needs of younger buyers.

They face challenges like tighter budgets and student debts.

Our app addresses those issues.

Our Finance-First model establishes your loan qualifications up front.

You quickly see your purchasing power, and only search homes that you can afford.

Searches show total monthly mortgage cost, so you can see how a home would fit into your budget.

Search results provide detailed, easy-to-read information.

Hombaez works with many features you are familiar with when using mobile apps:

·      Swipe left and right

·      Share results with your Search Party

·      Properties are given ratings and comments by searchers

Download the app today at the App Store or Google Play and give it a try.

Elevator Pitch for Hombaez - Investor Version

Hi, I'm ­­­­______________. I'm the ______________ for Hombaez.

Our Hombaez mobile app targets younger home buyers.

Gen Z and Millennials are just beginning to buy homes.

They represent the biggest segment of home-buyers over the next 10 to 20 years.

This a lucrative market opportunity.

However, current home-search platforms don't offer tools or information that align with the shopping habits of younger buyers.

Also, younger home buyers are on a tight budget, and face financial burdens like paying off student debt.

The Hombaez app addresses the challenges faced by these younger buyers:

·      The Finance-First model establishes loan qualification up front.

·      Buyers then search homes they know they can afford.

·      Searchers can shop by monthly payment, to see how a home would fit into a monthly budget.

·      The online app uses engaging tools that fit the shopping habits of younger buyers.

Could we set up a meeting so we can explain the Hombaez app in more detail?

Note: My suggestion would be to practice these pitches a number of times, so they can be delivered comfortably and easily when needed. I think they will be a very powerful part of your marketing presentations.

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