Derick Tsang
Summary Overview
Table of contents
Who our users are
The kickoff
Although we were not surprised by what we learned, some things did stand out to us.
We sent out surveys and conducted interviews with our users to learn more about them
Synthesizing our research
Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Were we solving the right problem all along?
The Solution
1. Add events to your calendar in app
2. Make voice and video calls with more participants
3. A single place of storage for files
4. Find links and files in chat with ease
5. Manage projects under a single workplace
6. Bottom navigation as the way of getting around
How we got here...
Visual design
On mobile, navigation is a little clumsy. To change workspaces I need to go three levels left. I would like a quicker way to navigate workspaces. On desktop, it’s pretty easy.