Jupiter Stocks: Making stock finding easier for beginners

Ankit Dutta


UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer


UX ResearchCompetitive AnalysisCard SortingUsability TestingPrototype


Often, people become overwhelmed by the terminology and feel disconnected, however, Jupiter Money find my stocks can provide them with a sense of connection and comfort

About Jupiter

Jupiter is the easiest, money management app that helps you take control of your finances and help you to start your investment journey

Problem Statement

How might we help individuals who are just entering the workforce increase confidence in their investments?

Why it needs to be solved

Jupiter helps you start your investment journey but stock market terms make people scared.
In the Bombay Stock Exchange 5,311 companies have listed their shares for a beginner it’s difficult to shortlist


To who didn’t think of investment before joining a workforce have a lot of questions like which stocks to choose, What type of stock to buy, how frequently to buy, and Which mode to invest, is it One-time, or SIP?
Showing Relevant information on screen to not get scared by jargon.
Start with something simple then improvise from other people and the market scenario.
Talking in their language, not finance language to make them comfortable.


20 Days
My Role
User Research, Interviews and Analysis
Idea Generation
Rapid prototyping - Lo-fi
Iteration and Feedback Sessions
Hi-fi prototyping
Usability Testing and Evaluation

Competitive Analysis

People use two types of stock-picking strategies: Analytical and Informational
I started by looking at apps like Motilal Oswal and Tickertape to find how they help users in the stock selection process
From competitor analysis I found
Graphical representation helps to make decisions faster
Break it down into important key points
Gives insight into why one stock is better or worse than another
Users get daily updates about the industries


Common concern was that people don’t actively analyse funds and don’t understand many things
What are the things they rely on?
Follow some finance YouTubers and blogs like Economist and Mint for some business news
Time or money
Suggestions from people because the stock market is confusing and don’t know where to start from
Users get daily updates about the industries


Based on the research insights I identified two distinct user persona

User Journey

As Jupiter hasn't yet added the stock feature, I use Tickertape to understand a user journey and how they interact with the platform.


Create a feature that people use to make their decision and adding a sense of belongingness

User Flow

This user flow is designed to help beginners begin their investment journey

1. Find My Stocks

In my secondary research, I found out that it's important to know each user's needs and goals, so what better way to find out what those are than by asking them?

2. Stock Space

When people are new to the stock market, they often join Facebook groups to stay informed, and we learn more when we are in the same boat.

3. Risk to Return Ratio

Those who just start its better to make the overall language understandable things like risk and return during survey i found people care the most

Future Roadmap

User Testing
Test the prototype with larger set of user target and validate the concept
Discover sectors
While doing usability study lot of people tap on sectors
Got some feedback from the jupiter design team as well
Improve Communities
Sharing knowledge is one of way to understand a topic better.
In communities include a share feature make it even better and a follow feature to appreciate peoples who post actively.
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Posted Jun 24, 2024

Often, people become overwhelmed by the terminology and feel disconnected, however, Jupiter Money find my stocks can provide them with a sense of connection an…








UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer


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