Tailored Training Development

Milton Flournoy

Business Consultant
Microsoft Office 365

Crafting a tailored training curriculum to ground your learning in the context of your organization.

I work with stakeholders to consider organizational culture to deliver organizationally relevant training starting with a value-based approach.

  1. Discuss training needs with stakeholders and analyze current engagement and buy-in
  2. Analyze current gaps in leadership, change management, organizational effectiveness, and process improvement
  3. Develop a training strategy based on the gaps
  4. Provide a learning and development plan to stakeholders
  5. Plan, schedule, and execute training
  6. Evaluate training
Training for applying Lean process improvement in a Laboratory setting
A Training session on How to Problem solve - providing a general understanding, comparison of methodologies and actionable implementation
Facilitation Training - Providing a general understanding, tools and Tips

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