Bakes - Entire Business ReBranding

Omar Al-Dib

Brand Designer
Social Media Manager
Creative Design

Entire Business Re-Branding

Bakes, a local small business here in Ottawa, had been struggling with brand recognition & awareness. They put together a logo using paint, hired a freelancer online to build them a website & would update their content once in a blue moon... basically; they needed help!

I sat down with them, understood what they were looking for & everything they needed fixing... then got to work!

First things first, the logo:

At first glance, it doesn't seem like it needed fixing, but we wanted to modernize it & clean it up... so we gave it a make-over:

Bakes Logo Re-Design

might not seem like a significant difference, but you'll see why it was so necessary...

Brand's Style Guide & Colors:

Every well-known brand has a unique recognizable color palette, so it's never too early or too late to set one. I asked Bakes: "What's the first color that comes to mind when you think about your business?" They said "ORANGE"

Brand Style Guide

Next up - Social Media:

You can have the greatest products & services the world has to offer, but what good is that if the business itself is unknown? So what better way to get your business known & increase in brand awareness than through social media? so we put them on the map!

A bit more online presence - Website:

Initially, Bakes had a pretty simple landing-page, that failed to present their menu & capture everything they have to offer... So we decided to revamp the whole thing!

Website Design & Development

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