Content Writing Case Study: Gen-Z Online Habits

Ciarán Griffiths


Content Writer


Google Docs


The Brief 🗣

Write a short article detailing the online habits of Gen-Z for an online magazine with a young adult readership. The client wanted a focus on shopping habits but with several outbound links to publications that are highly regarded with stats, figures and research.
The publication has a slightly formal, yet still down to earth, tone of voice that was important to capture when writing this article.

The Final Product ✒️

After some thorough research, I crafted a brief but interesting article on the online habits of Gen-Z. I included links to research from Adobe, The Drum and Barnes and Noble. Outbound links not only help increase the credibility of an article, but also helps with SEO. Two in one!
The client was happy with the piece I produced, and I found it quite an interesting piece to research, helping ensure I'm aware of how Gen-Z spend their time online. This is something any business serving this age bracket should be aware of as they have a very different way of 'surfing the internet' (Is that still a thing? Do people still surf the internet?)
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Posted Sep 15, 2023

Crafted an informative and thought-provoking article on Gen-Z online trends, covering shopping, social media and online gaming.






Content Writer


Google Docs


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