SEO Blogs Case Study: Guide to Madagascar Travel Blogs

Ciarán Griffiths


Content Writer

Article Writer

Google Drive

Microsoft Word

The Brief 🗣

Create a series of connected articles that serve as a comprehensive travel guide to Madagascar for any prospective travellers looking to venture to the island. Each article must be connected to the others, but also has to work solo.
The client's website has a particular tone of voice that is an essential part of their brand and a required component of these articles. Most of the early part of my work was around nailing down this very precise tone which they described as if 'Indiana Jones was Gen-Z'. Which pretty much means a slightly sarcastic voice with a focus on entertaining while still providing informative content.

The Final Product ✒️

I created 7 separate articles between 1000-1500 words on a wide variety of topics including: the best time of year to visit, local festivals, must see places, and local foods to try. The client also had several approved tour guides, and I was given the chance to interview them for the articles, giving each one a touch of in-depth local knowledge.

The Excerpt 📜

‘Madagascar is a huge island, measuring at 230,000 square miles, there is a lot of different climates and environments. From tropical rainforests and beautifully warm beaches, to colossal mountains and active volcanoes. While this means there is a lot to see and do, it can create some very unpredictable weather patterns and odd seasonal changes.’
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Posted Sep 8, 2023

A series of travel blogs exploring the Island of Madagascar for an adventure travel client






Content Writer

Article Writer

Google Drive

Microsoft Word

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