Strategic Marketing Plan

Chantal Despres

Digital Marketer

Project Manager

Social Media Manager

Facebook Analytics

G Suite




I work with businesses of all sizes...

Working alongside The Learnary gave me an opportunity to analyze all aspects of their marketing approach.
One thing they had was a loyal (and growing) customer base.
But beyond that, their marketing efforts were inconsistent, off target, and lacking results.

...To create meaningful marketing content

What I didn't want to do was come in and "corporatize" The Learnary's efforts. So we started with a conversation about their business goals and personal vision.
Through these conversations, we agreed to release a community survey to their customer base to find out what was working for people, what people were missing, and how to fill those gaps.
Over the course of 3 months, I produced a Strategic Marketing Plan which assessed where The Learnary was, and where they had opportunities for growth.
By implementing these recomendations, their online engagement increase by 10% in 3 months. Using customer feedback, they redesigned their website and simplified their event registration process.
Most importantly, the Strategic Marketing Plan allowed the owners to synchronize and scale their social media content, leaving them time to focus on what they loved while still attracted customers.

It doesn't have to be complicated

I'm here to help you navigated all sorts of different business challenges and opportunities, including figuring out what they are in the first place.
We can work together to optimize where you're spending your energy so that your passion can thrive and your customers can see exactly what you do.
Let's connect!
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Posted Jun 2, 2021

Businesses of all sizes and with all visions can use Strategic Marketing to better serve their customers.






The Learnary


Digital Marketer

Project Manager

Social Media Manager

Facebook Analytics

G Suite




Digital Marketing Strategy
Digital Marketing Strategy
Field Marketing Strategy
Field Marketing Strategy