Notion Real Estate CRM 🏠

Janet Uwakwe

Virtual Assistant
Project Manager
Operations Manager

A real estate investor client lacked a centralized system to manage leads, properties, and offers efficiently, resulting in disorganized data, missed opportunities, and inefficient task management.


  • Disorganized Data: Data scattered across platforms hindered timely access and updates.
  • Lack of Centralized System: Difficulty tracking lead, property, and offer progress led to missed opportunities and poor communication.
  • Ineffective Task Management: Manual task management caused oversights, missed deadlines, and lost deals.
  • Document Generation Bottleneck: Manual document generation slowed deal closing.


  • Designed and Implemented Notion CRM: Created customized databases for centralized data access.
  • Customized Properties and Views: Aligned Notion to specific workflow needs.
  • Streamlined Task Management: Integrated task management for assignment, tracking, and prioritization.
  • Integrated Document Generation: Facilitated automatic document generation from Notion data using


Efficiently managed real estate investments with a customized Notion CRM, overcoming challenges and achieving greater efficiency.

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