Thermo Fisher - Agents of Momentum

Marius Antohi

Graphic Designer
Visual Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe XD
Thermo Fisher Scientific

The problem

When Thermo Fisher approached us, they had a clear goal in mind - to showcase how technology has been instrumental in bringing about positive changes during the COVID-19 pandemic. They wanted a campaign that would feature inspiring success stories of people who had harnessed technology to help their communities in innovative ways.
The challenge was to come up with a campaign that not only highlighted the importance of technology but also had a human touch to it.

The Solution

Our team delved into the task at hand, creating concepts that would effectively showcase the human element of the campaign. We knew that the heart of every success story was a person who had made a significant difference during the pandemic, and we wanted to convey that message in the most effective way possible.
After much brainstorming, we settled on a set of illustrations that captured the essence of each individual's story. The illustrations were carefully crafted to bring out the personality and character of each person, while also highlighting the key aspects of their contributions.
With the illustrations in hand, we set out to create compelling narratives for each individual, weaving together their stories into engaging case studies that would capture the imagination of our audience. Our team worked closely with each person to ensure that their story was accurately represented, and that their contributions were duly recognized.
Once the case studies were completed, we moved on to creating banner-ads and emails that would help promote and spread the word about the campaign. Our focus was on creating content that was both visually appealing and informative, ensuring that each person's story was told in a captivating manner.
Overall, our team took great care to ensure that the campaign was a true reflection of the amazing work that had been done during the pandemic. We believe that the end result was a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of human beings, and we were proud to be a part of it.
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