Building Moving Rectangles' home in Framer

Dylan Campbell

Framer Developer
Framer Designer
Moving Rectangles

Hero, social proof, and pricing of  V2
Hero, social proof, and pricing of V2

Moving Rectangles is a design & Framer development studio. We've worked with Caelor, BuildShip, Contra, Fable, Framer, and more!

About and Testimonials
About and Testimonials

The concept and initial design of the new Moving Rectangles site was built in Figma, I then brought it into Framer for live prototyping and playing around with other functional components.

My favorite thing about Framer is how quickly you can turn an idea/concept into a fully responsive and functioning reality, with an easily accessible public domain.

Framer work is the primary load of our clients, so it's safe to say Framer has been an amazing addition to our little studio! There is a minimal learning curve, easily usable by those not familiar with no-code editors, and does not require an extremely technical brain. Framer has allowed us to transition large websites that require an entire team to manage with different platforms, code, etc, to now a single person with edit access can manage and make content changes.

This is the second version(V2) of the official Moving Rectangles site. For this one, We decided to take a more minimal and straightforward approach, skipping out on the fancy animation and effects, giving the information one needs to hire is a priority for any freelancer, studio, or agency, so that's exactly what we prioritized!

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