
Marko Tadic

iOS Developer
Software Architect
youngculture AG
appculture AG
Computer Rock

iOS development of the award winning weather app: Wetter-Alarm

During my first full time job as iOS Engineer (7 years) I had a chance to lead development and work on the various projects (beside iOS apps, I’ve also made macOS menu bar app for a radio player, watchOS extension for a golf app, played around with Swift on Server etc.), but most of the time I was working on a popular weather app widely used in Switzerland.

This is a long term project with millions of active users. Beside regular tasks for improving architecture and implementation of ever-growing complex set of features, I also introduced Continious Integration / Deployment, rewrote the entire codebase from Objective-C into Swift, helped in shaping the entire system architecture of the app itself and its related services (core, components, extensions, backend API etc.), introduced modularization based on Swift Package Manager and new technologies (like SwiftUI and Combine).

On top of everything, I was always mentoring less experienced colleagues as well as having direct communication with a client in order to keep our goals in sync and well specified.

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