Demystifying Data for Strategic Enrollment Management

Eleni Hagen

If you’re in higher education and not using data to support your strategic enrollment decisions, you’re not alone but you’re seriously missing out.
The disconnect between data collection and data usage among colleges and universities has posed an industry problem for at least 10 years. Scattered silos, misaligned information systems, and an influx of raw, uncontextualized data have compounded the issue threatening to hold institutions back at a time when educational models are shifting and competition shows no signs of slowing down.
Confusion about how to use data in order to drive decisions has been a higher ed concern since (at least) 2012.
But while this disconnect is understandable, the fact remains:
Data is essential to higher ed optimization, particularly in admissions.
For those higher ed enrollment professionals hoping to get on the data train and begin implementing analytics-driven processes in earnest, here’s an overview of data, including what it’s good for, where to find it, and how to mine it for maximum results.
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Posted Feb 16, 2024

A look at the roll of data in higher ed enrollment processes.







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