🗂️ Independent Archiving

Jackie Yaeger

Content Creator


Web Designer

Earth Gurl Archives is a personal archival project which allows me to explore the impact of consumerism on the planet. The archive includes items which I've personally discovered, as well as blog posts for largest resource for researching, valuing, and buying/selling antiques, art and vintage collectibles, WorthPoint.

Building collections that reflect the diversity of humanity is key to preserving a historical record that encompasses the stories of all peoples, instead of just those who wield enough power and influence to ensure their lives are documented. It is our intention to document the lives of EaRthGuRLs and their stuff because we’re pretty sure no one else is? May Future People understand who we were and what we did.

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Posted May 12, 2022

See my work as an independent archivist under the persona Earth Gurl Archives. Here, I explore consumerism's effects on planet Earth.






Content Creator


Web Designer

Jackie Yaeger

Content 💎 Analytics 💎 Archiving

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🚨 User Content, Engagement & Analytics
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🤝 B2B Partnerships & B2C Editorial
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📓 Special Projects, Newsletter Publishing, Writing