A platform to support a community all over Ukraine that integrates all shelters with the ability to meet, adopt and help homeless pets find their new family.
My role
I managed the project's strategy, focusing on researching the field by conducting interviews with key industry stakeholders and prioritizing tasks for success to create a minimum viable flow for a successful launch.
The adoption process is time-consuming and confusing, so people tend to drop off the whole process before finishing.
Design Process
User research key findings
After conducting one-on-one interviews with the people who were involved in the whole process such as adopters, shelterowners and volunteers, I did get the valuable pain points they have.
shelters lack resources as people and stuff to keep everything organized
people want a more easy way of searching for a pet
people truly would like to adopt a pet from a shelter
the process of adoption is really confusing
Persona & empathy map
As we decided to start firstly with an adopter's side of the platform, I mapped out the portrait of our potential user.
Customer Journey Map
So, we do need to understand what the process of adoption looks like, to highlight those problems. For that, there is a journey map of our potential adopter - Julia.
How might we?
design a process of setting an appointment with a pet and shelter?
simplify the adoption process?
help users find better matches?
User Flow
In this draft, I was mainly focused on the adopter's user flow and processes for them:
finding a pet
setting up a meeting with a pet in the shelter
Site map
I created a site map for future development to provide a general overview of the platform's layout.
UI kit
To ensure consistency throughout the project, I created a UI kit that included guidelines on colours, typography, and components.