Dashboard ERP for Reservation & Operational Restaurant

Dhafa Ilhami


UX Designer

Product Designer

UI Designer



Project overview

The project will be divided into 2 complementary scopes, the first scope is the idea of ​​a reservation dashboard and the following scope is the creation of an ERP stock (inventory) management dashboard and its integration


- The success of an offline reservation is largely determined by the screening process for available rooms/tables from a cashier
- The number of tables available in a room plays a very important role in the offline reservation service process by the cashier
- The success of the reservation process at the reservation is determined by how quickly information about availability and places is received by the cashier
- The large number of storage warehouses is an obstacle for stock calculations
- The data reconciliation process during the stock taking process is the process that causes the most problems
- Labeling a type of raw material is an important point in the process of checking and calculating stock


Default reservation

In this reservation feature, the user (KFC) is allowed to provide room reservation services, and is not limited to just tables. There are many small details here to provide a better experience for the user, by providing CCTV access and visual treatment that better emphasizes the data that is important for cashiers to consume.

Add table reservation

Generally, the reservation process only requires a down payment, but in this idea I gave them options, depending on the outlet's SOP

Detail Table

Default Room Reservation

it still displays the same information, but in the room list card, there is quite detailed information regarding the room information

ERP Inventory

This ERP dashboard presents data that is more concise and easy to understand. There are several quick actions to check activity in the warehouse.

List stock

di dalam page ini memungkinkan user untuk meng import bulking list” stock dari luar, sehingga dapat mempermudah dalam proses migrasi ke dalam aplikasi, pembagian type juga dapat mempermudah user dalam screening informasi list stock

Detail stock

On the stock details page there is very detailed information regarding stock items and suppliers as well as details of stock storage locations in the warehouse complete with PICs and shelf locations.

Warehouse list

Not much information appears on the warehouse list card, the information that appears is brief information that is relevant to make the screening process easier. Warehouses are also divided into types of material, raw / product storage

Detail warehouse

There is detailed information about the warehouse, namely site information, where this feature allows users to create, edit and optimize storage sites, although in the process, warehouse users / admins need to move and organize storage sites and shelves manually, but at least this feature helps users in providing more accurate data
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Posted Dec 6, 2024

This project is an ERP project that is still at the MVP / early stage in terms of product life cycle






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