infographic design

Josh Wise

Graphic Designer

Infographic Designer

Digital illustrator

Adobe Illustrator

Non Profit

International Food Information Council (IFIC)

Vector Infographic

An important repeat client during my freelance career, my contact at the International Food Information Council (IFIC) came to me requesting an infographic. I had already collaborated with them on a number of infographics prior to this one and their raw content (often copy) was ready to go.
This particular project commissioned vector illustrations to depict the content. I set out to use a rich, saturated palette offset by a very light tan. Structuring the piece was critical to achieving a composition that didn’t overwhelm but which could be easily digested by the audience.
The project culminated in the provision of an infographic that was transmitted through IFIC’s social media and posted to their “Food Insight” website.
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Posted Mar 13, 2025

This particular project commissioned vector illustrations to depict the content with a structure that didn’t overwhelm but which could be easily read.






Graphic Designer

Infographic Designer

Digital illustrator

Adobe Illustrator

Non Profit

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