Creating a Next-Generation Gaming and NFT Marketplace

Nabil Ahsan


Brand Designer

Game Designer

UX Designer



Led the design of BZAAR, an immersive NFT marketplace integrating blockchain, AR, and geolocation. Merged game design principles with NFTs, tackled challenges, and launched a platform fostering inclusivity and accessibility in the digital shopping experience.
The aim was to transform the traditional NFT marketplace into an interactive and engaging platform. By combining elements from popular games like Tamagotchi, Digimon, and Pokémon, BZAAR sought to offer a unique virtual shopping experience. The target audience included NFT enthusiasts, gamers, and those seeking an immersive digital shopping experience. Incorporating elements from Pokémon Go added a fitness/wellness component, enhancing user engagement.
As the Product Designer, my responsibilities encompassed designing the entire application for both mobile and web platforms. Leveraging my knowledge in basic game design, I incorporated gaming elements into the NFT marketplace. The scope involved integrating game-like interactions into the NFT marketplace, enhancing digital collectibles with features inspired by popular games. The challenge was to balance realism with engagement and bring a unique blend of geolocation, fitness, and NFT art to the platform.
The result was BZAAR, an NFT marketplace offering a virtual shopping experience with a Tamagotchi-style gameplay. The integration of geolocation and NFT art broadened the platform's appeal. The project emphasized effective teamwork, user feedback, and the iterative design process, marking a new frontier in combining game design and user experience within a web3 application. The experience gained is poised for application in future projects.
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Led the design of BZAAR, an immersive NFT marketplace integrating blockchain, AR, and geolocation. Merged game design principles with NFTs, tackled challenges,






Brand Designer

Game Designer

UX Designer



Nabil Ahsan

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