Veryfront Brand Identity

Dmitri Litvinov

Brand Designer
Logo Designer
Web Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Coder Society


Designing the new Veryfront brand identity was an exciting journey focused on modernizing and enhancing its visual and conceptual appeal. Drawing inspiration from contemporary trends and the integration of AI, I crafted a brand that embodies innovation and forward-thinking. The updated logo and cohesive brand story provide a strong foundation for Veryfront's future growth and presence.

Brand Identity Story

We redesigned the Veryfront branding to make it more contemporary and reflective of automation, incorporating Ai elements into the visual identity. The updated brand seamlessly integrates the old logo's essence with modern design elements, ensuring a cohesive and forward-thinking image. This transformation provides a solid foundation and a compelling story that aligns with Veryfront's innovative mission. The new brand identity captures the spirit of technological advancement while maintaining a strong connection to its roots.

We redesigned the Veryfront branding to make it more contemporary and reflective of automation, incorporating Ai elements into the visual identity.

Logo Details + Breakdown

I broke down the V into detailed elements, each symbolizing a core aspect of automation, highlighting the brand's commitment to efficiency and modernity. This meticulous breakdown showcases the foundation of the symbol, emphasizing the precision and thought behind its design. By deconstructing the V, the logo not only maintains its recognizable form but also communicates a deeper narrative of advanced technology and systematic progress.

This meticulous breakdown showcases the foundation of the symbol, emphasizing the precision and thought behind its design.

Mark & Lock-ups

In designing the new mark for the Veryfront logo, I aimed to create a symbol that seamlessly blends modern aesthetics with the essence of AI-driven innovation. I focused on simplicity and versatility, ensuring the mark could adapt to various contexts and applications. To showcase its flexibility, I presented the mark in several lock-ups, demonstrating its effectiveness across different mediums and formats. This approach highlights the brand's dynamic nature and ensures consistent recognition in diverse settings.

We dedicated significant time to refining every element, ensuring it stands out with a distinctive and memorable identity.

Final Logo

The final logo for Veryfront is the result of meticulous effort and creative exploration, designed to encapsulate the brand's core values and vision. We dedicated significant time to refining every element, ensuring it stands out with a distinctive and memorable identity. The logo's sleek and modern design reflects Veryfront's commitment to innovation and forward-thinking. This comprehensive process underscores our dedication to creating a visual representation that truly embodies everything Veryfront stands for.

Typeface & Color Palette

For the Veryfront brand identity, we chose Clash and Inter typefaces to strike a perfect balance between modernity and readability. Clash brings a bold, contemporary edge, while Inter offers clarity and versatility across various applications. Additionally, we meticulously selected a color palette that conveys the brand's dynamic and innovative spirit. Each hue was chosen to harmonize with the overall design, ensuring a cohesive and striking visual identity that stands out.


We carefully crafted unique patterns for Veryfront to enhance its visual identity and create a cohesive brand experience. Each pattern was thoughtfully designed to reflect the brand's innovative and forward-thinking ethos. These bespoke patterns are used across various touchpoints, adding depth and consistency to the brand's presence. This attention to detail ensures that every interaction with the brand feels distinct and memorable.

We carefully crafted unique patterns for Veryfront to enhance its visual identity and create a cohesive brand experience.

Marketing Assets

We meticulously built strong marketing visuals for Veryfront's new brand identity to ensure a powerful and cohesive representation. Every visual element, from advertisements to social media graphics, was crafted to align with the brand's innovative spirit and modern aesthetics. Our focus on consistency and quality helped create a unified look that resonates across all marketing channels. This strategic approach guarantees that Veryfront's new identity is both impactful and memorable in the marketplace.


I am immensely proud to have worked on the new branding for Veryfront, as it represents a significant leap forward for the company. The process was both challenging and rewarding, allowing me to push creative boundaries and achieve a truly modern and innovative identity. Seeing the final result, with its cohesive design elements and powerful visual impact, fills me with a great sense of accomplishment. It's gratifying to know that this new brand identity will help propel Veryfront to new heights.

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