Competitive Market Analysis for eCommerce Brand

Muna Anazodo

Brand Strategist
Business Consultant
Google Analytics

The Brand

Ametista is a Swiss jewellery supplier who have been active in the industry since 1993 - supplying costume gems and related products to businesses in the DACH region (Germany (D), Austria (A), and Switzerland (CH)). As part of plans to digitalize its business to remain relevant in a world where sales are moving online and cutting out the middleman with DTC sales, the brief was to conduct research on the online jewellery supplier market to guide the development of its digital marketing strategy.


A review of the Swiss and DACH jewelry market for a company looking to understand the online landscape and main competition using information accessed from analytics and trends sites for the DACH region.

The Process

To achieve the stated objectives, I reviewed the main competition using information from analytics and trends sites to determine which websites were most active in the DACH region and in that sector. The project included analysis and presentation of the information based on specific features of these businesses online and compared KPIs in relation to their results for each competitor.
Using this information, I was able to share recommendations on what key features are delivering the result the client needs and conducted a gap assessment to show what the client would need to change to onboard these features.
The key target audiences were identified and mapped to understand the features that encourage them to patronize a business online in this specific sector as well as related sectors.
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