Uni. Re.Cycle🌱Award-Winning Service Design - Launch FALL 2021

Emilio Lara

Industrial Designer
Product Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Award-winning Sustainable Service Design: This product will be implemented in September 2021 by Amsterdam's University of Applied Sciences, more than 100,000 students will be using this app.
70 percent of the UvA and HvA's waste comes from off-campus sources, and when you consider that the combined campuses of the HvA and the UvA have over 80,000 students, that's a LOT of off-campus trash! How do we get to the heart of the problem? That's where our project comes in.
Our aim was to design and build an iOS application, Uni(re)Cycle, that motivates sustainable behavior amongst students.
The app works by providing the user with challenges centered around sustainability - for example, packing lunches in reusable containers, rather than purchasing a packaged lunch. Once challenges are completed, users earn points that can be traded for rewards (discounts to products from sustainable partners!). Combined points also contribute to users' place on the campus leaderboard, allowing users to compete with their friends. This gamification-based system will ultimately create behavioral nudges towards more responsible waste consumption on campus.
You can check out the prototype here: https://www.figma.com/proto/fCsaLq29a79AVHX8SCZAUp/Uni(re)Cycle-1.0?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=1202%3A6575&viewport=571%2C-2020%2C0.5&scaling=scale-down


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