How Safe Are Electric Scooters in Louisville Kentucky?

Molly Powell


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Photo by Scott Evans on Unsplash
For city convenience, and for campus swiftness, the lightweight agility of the electric scooters (also known as Lime, Spin, and Bird ) in Louisville Kentucky, are a cheaper alternative that owning a car, or taking the bus. Found around almost every sidewalk at University of Louisville, and downtown Louisville. They offer clean environmental transportation and once you’re done with the scooter, it’s easy to rid. Upon the sidewalk, for the next rider, and with that- you’re on your way!

Understanding More About E-Scooters

The first patented design in 1916 for what was then a wooden kick scooter, with skate wheels by an inventor, Arthur Hugo Cecil Gibson. It wasn’t until over 100 years into the future, in 2018 when the popularity grew. With the arrival of Covid-19 a virus that caused a mass quarantine from 2020-2022, in Louisville Kentucky the electric scooter was seen as cleaner and safer than Ubers. With the ability to use phone apps to find bikes and pay, the fun and safe- distance ride was a way to spend time with friends and inner-city transport. With fun afternoons to the Waterfront Park, or Cherokee Park, many young adults utilized this new innovation until quickly, they became a lifestyle.
Ever since, electric scooters have populated major cities worldwide. Adults use them to ride to their job, and students to their classes.

The Problem with E -Scooters

While they are fun, and a cheaper option for transportation, the reality is they prompt many dangers. For the rider, the pedestrians on sidewalks and even the drivers in cars, electric scooters in their dawn pose quite the threat.
For example, most Electric Scooters have speeds of 15 mph and some reach 30 mph. For inexperienced drivers who may not know all the specs of the scooter, or the roads of the city this could easily cause accidents. Not only that, but drunk scooter riders, or youthful adolescents could easily feel indomitable.
Not to mention, those who can control the bike, and navigate the streets correctly still are at risk of those in cars who cannot see them changing lanes or turning. The bikes offer no horn to sound to other drivers nor do the bikes have turn or brake lights.
From this E- Scooter riders are at risk of head injuries and other life-threatening bodily harm, as are those pedestrians that the riders weave around at high speeds. In 2021, there were an estimated 42,200 emergency room visits due to e-scooter injuries, an unfortunate 66% increase from 2020.
As of March 2019, Kentucky passed House Bill 258, which legalized electric scooters on public streets and set operating standards for them. Meaning e-scooters can be ridden on sidewalks, roads, and bike lanes, and this law treats them similarly to bicycles. With that being said,, the law also includes the following restrictions:
E-scooters can't go faster than 20 miles per hour.
Motor scooters can be considered motorcycles for registration purposes.
Riders under 18 must wear a helmet.
E-scooters are not allowed on interstate highways or paths where bicycles are not allowed.

The Verdict

The laws put in place are a great step, but there is still much needed to be done. While not convenient, helmets should be a must, and any intoxication should be treated similarly as car drivers under the influence. Even with all the correct safety measures taken, they are not the safest mode of transportation.

Legal Action for Electric Scooter Accidents.

The electric scooter industry offers plausible solutions for environmentally-friendly, short-trip transportation, but as previously stated there still is need for supervision to keep our Louisville community safe. If you or a family member is seriously injured in an accident involving an electric scooter, contact our Louisville Law Firm to reach an experienced liability attorney who will go above and beyond on your behalf to protect you in court.
Hire us, and you’ll have a lawyer to:
Collect all evidence about your accident
Handle all communications with the insurance company and defense lawyers
Locate all responsible parties
Evaluate the value of your personal injury claim
Consult respected experts and specialists about complex issues in your case
Negotiate on your behalf to recover the maximum compensation you deserve
Get started today by calling our law firm for a free consultation.
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Posted Jul 27, 2024

For city convenience, and for campus swiftness, the lightweight agility of the electric scooters (also known as Lime, Spin, and Bird ) in Louisville Kentucky, …






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