Sonia Yau


Graphic Designer

Web Designer

Creative Designer

🎯 Main Goal

Miricanvas is a saas company that provides printed and online templates for users to freely use the platform. The company is currently based in Korea but is on its way to expand its market to other countries. The current templates found in the platform have a very Korean feeling to them, making it hard for users from other countries to find the templates appealing. For this project I was part of the global template team in which our main goal was to create new templates for the global market and optimized already design ones.
Original and optimized version for global users.
Original and optimized version for global users.

🌏 Global Templates

The creation of templates targeting specific holidays or celebrations was a must in order to appeal to users all over the globe. As designers, we would receive a planning sheet from the marketing team, with a list of upcoming holidays and we would research current global trends on the topic and begin with our design process.
Poster for Day of the Dead
Poster for Day of the Dead
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Posted Sep 29, 2023

Global template designer for Korean based template platform MiriCanvas.






Graphic Designer

Web Designer

Creative Designer

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