Fitness Video Platform | UX Design Project

Capi Product

Fitness Web App
Fitness Web App


VIFIT is an MVP video platform website that provides users with content from their favorite coaches & fitness influencers.
Fitmi makes it easier for people to follow a workout program, and track their progress and results. The platform can help creators build their own communities and share content with their followers.
VIFIT overview
VIFIT overview

About Client

VIFIT makes it easier for people to follow a workout program, track their progress and results. For creators, the platform can help to build their own communities, and share content with their followers.

Project Objective

Project's Objective
Project's Objective
We set the design goal for this project to be entirely user-centric. Inspired by the philosophy of user-centered design, we identified a series of specific metrics we aim to achieve during the project's design phase. We conducted direct interviews with 7 users to measure the project's success and carried out nearly 100 online user surveys.

Project Process

Spanning for around 2 months, our process for this project is based on Double-Diamond framework. We started by researching, which produced results that determined our design decisions; after that, we conducted testing to improve our design for the intended users.
Vifit Design Process
Vifit Design Process

Stage 1: Discover

Desk research

Desk Research Questions
Desk Research Questions
We gathered and analyzed existing data from various sources to get an overview understanding of the market, as well as narrowing down the possible target users.

Competitive Audit

Competitive Audit
Competitive Audit
We analyzed 2 biggest VIFIT competitors: Playbook and YouTube. For each app, we audited its content, value, branding, task flow, user interface, and user feedback.

We can take inspirations from Playbook’s design style, YouTube’s subscription model, as well as their information architechture. On the other hand, there are a few things we should seek to improve upon, for example, how to simplify the exercising flow, how to help users find their workout statistics, and how we can create an environment that encourage users to interact with both one another and the contents.

User Interviews

7 responses | 2 days
Users Interview
Users Interview
The participants were chosen based on the conclusions we gathered during the desk research phase.
The questions used in our interviews were synthesized to validate some of the previous research findings. They included questions about demographics, user perceptions and habits, as well as how they engage with different platforms.
Questions & Result
Questions & Result

User Surveys (60 responses | 2 days)

Based on the data gathered from desk research, we dug deeper into user demographics, behaviors, needs & wants, goals & motivations, and pain points.
User survey result
User survey result

How did we capture all insight?

Using the Card Sorting & Affinity Diagram method, all research data were recorded and helped us reach initial conclusions
Pain points
These are the main problems that users are having. Although the pain points vary from respondent to respondent, a lot of them share the same issues.
pain points
pain points

User Persona

User Persona
User Persona

Stage 2: Define

Value Proposition

Based on our user persona, we proposed functional and non-functional values. They were grouped into 10 categories, including Search, Subscription, and Workout programs. These values are reviewed and discussed over with the client, and then finalized for the MVP product.
Value proposition canvas
Value proposition canvas

Information Architecture

The decided values above were then placed into suitable screens, which would be used next for building the product sitemap.
Golden path
Golden path

Stage 3: Develop

The decided values above were then placed into suitable screens, which would be used next for building the product sitemap.
Style Guide
Style Guide

Stage 4: Deliver

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Posted Mar 12, 2024

VIFIT is an MVP video platform website that provides users with content from their favorite coaches & fitness influencers.It makes things easier for people to …

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