Immigration and Brexit

Alexandra Sarahni

This paper is the next step in a 3-month project that was geared toward Brexit. In this paper, the sociopolitical concept of immigration and the ways in which the Leave campaign used it to win is disucssed.
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Brexit is an extremely controversial topic that had huge repercussions in the UK on a European and global scale (Hobolt, 2016, pp. 1-2). Brexit can be viewed as both an expected and unexpected event. The UK has always been an outlier in the European Union since joining in 1973 (Hobolt, 2016, p. 2). Due to this, a discussion surrounding what caused the small majority to vote leave has been circulating in many news outlets and the public. There are many factors involved in understanding what happened for the majority to vote for Brexit. However, one factor that had a big role in the Brexit referendum was immigration and the bitter attitudes towards it (Poutvaara & Steinhardt, 2018, p. 1).
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Posted Sep 11, 2022

This essay highlights the link between the Leave campaign and immigration concerns.

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