About The Dataset:
Welcome! This is a Brazilian e-commerce public dataset of orders made at the Olist Store. The dataset has information of 100k orders from 2016 to 2018 made at multiple marketplaces in Brazil.
Project Milestone:
- Importing the required packages and the data
- Understanding Data
- Merging Datasets
- Exploratory Data Analyst (EDA)
- Numerical (Univariate-Bivariate)
- Categorical (Univarate-Bivariate)
- Ask
- Preprocessing and Cleaning
- Missing Values
- Duplicate Values
- Outliers
- Data Types
- Data Validation
- Feature Engineering
About The Project:
* Utilize Python to merge, clean, feature engineering, and EDA (Univariate, bivariate) of the data
* Ask 50 effective questions to get insights from the data and do deep-dive analysis by building
interactive visuals using Plotly
* Create a report to present outcomes and the key insights by using PowerPoint