Brand Storytelling for Business's Names and Taglines

Marco Varasio

Creative Writer
Microsoft Office 365
Brand Storytelling to create sharp names and taglines for your business


Industry: writing services
Market segment: copywriting and storytelling
Tone: casual and playful
Personality: playful
Addidional request: to add a reference to classic literature


Name: Black Cat Storytelling
Tagline: Telling stories, one meow at a time
Payoff: Follow the Black Cat, not the White Rabbit

Domain availability

As of today, the following internet domains are available (suggested ones are underlined):

Social media handles

As of today, the following handles are available (suggested ones are underlined)
Instagram: blackcatstorytelling, bcstorytelling, black_cat_storytelling,
Twitter: BCStorytelling, BC_Storytelling, CatStorytelling
TikTok: blackcatstorytelling, bcstorytelling, black_cat_storytelling,
Telegram Channel: blackcatstorytelling, bcstorytelling, black_cat_storytelling,

Mission & Vision statement

Black Cat Storytelling is a freelance and multilingual writing service. It employs classic and contemporary literature to modern copywriting and storytelling activities for businesses, enhancing every service provided with unique features and enhancements.
We aim to make the business world more human and less impersonal, resorting to the principal human activity in the history of humanity: literature. Our ultimate goal is to make businesses more friendly and people more aware of the real meaning of business: a human activity for human growth. And we will implement all of this through literature.

Social media bios

PLEASE NOTE: As each social media platform uses a different set of emoticons (e.g. Instagram uses Android/Apple emoticons, Twitter has its own set of emoticons, and so on), it is not possible to provide here a copy of social media bios available to be directly copied and pasted inside the social media apps.
You will have to manually write your bios and enter the proper emoticons, using your social media apps.
Black Cat Storytelling
Multilingual writing services | 🇮🇹 🇺🇸
🖊️ Copywriting
🧞 Storytelling
📚 Ghostwriting
Follow the Black Cat, not the White Rabbit
🖊️ Telling stories, one meow at a time | Multilingual posts 🇮🇹 🇺🇸 | Follow the Black Cat, not the White Rabbit
Copywriting, storytelling, and other writing services
Telegram channel
Official Telegram channel of Black Cat Storytelling
Stories, one meow at a time
🖊️ Copywriting
🧞 Storytelling
📚 Ghostwriting


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