Making cake is just Piece of Cake with PieceOk

Sang Diep

Mobile Designer
UX Researcher
UI Designer
PieceOk project's thumbnail
PieceOk project's thumbnail
PieceOk is an app powered by Piece Bakery, which can help customers order self-custom cakes online and in advance for their big day. End users of this product are anyone who wants a self-custom cake but cannot do it themselves.
My role in this project is as a Full-stack UX Designer. I worked from the start of the project, from conducting foundational research to designing final prototypes.

The challenge

Ordering custom cakes for special occasions with the traditional method:
Inefficient Ordering Process,
Limited Customization Options,
Lack of Visual Representation.

Project goal

Design a useful and enjoyable self-custom cake ordering app for Piece Bakery that allows users to order nice self-custom cakes for their big day easily.

Design thinking process

In this project, I used the Design Thinking approach to solve this problem. To practice design thinking I followed the below process:
Discover - Define - Ideate - Design - Test

High-fidelity prototypes

Watch on YouTube
To learn more about the project, please visit my portfolio site at or click the link below to go straight to the Pieceok case study. 🤩
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