UX/UI Design for Personal portfolio website - Cameron Cobb

Jovan Pop-Petrov

Web Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop


Cameron Cobb approached us with a vision to create a personal portfolio website that would effectively showcase his skills, projects, and professional journey. The objective was to design a website that not only highlights his work but also reflects his unique style and personality.


  • Showcase Expertise: Create a platform to display Cameron’s projects, skills, and achievements.
  • User Engagement: Design an intuitive and engaging user experience.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure the website is fully responsive and accessible on all devices
  • Brand Identity: Reflect Cameron’s personal brand through design aesthetics.

Research & Planning

User Research:

Conducted interviews with Cameron to understand his vision and requirements.

Analyzed competitor portfolio websites to identify best practices and areas for improvement.

Target Audience:

Potential clients and employers looking for skilled designers.

Fellow designers and peers interested in Cameron’s work.

Persona Development:

Created personas to represent different segments of the target audience, focusing on their needs and expectations from a portfolio website.

Design Process


Developed low-fidelity wireframes to outline the basic structure and layout of the website.

Iterated on wireframes based on feedback from Cameron.

UI Design:

Transitioned to high-fidelity designs using Figma, focusing on clean, modern aesthetics.

Incorporated Cameron’s brand colors, typography, and visual elements to create a cohesive look.


Created interactive prototypes to demonstrate the user flow and functionality.

Ensured the prototypes reflected a seamless navigation experience.

Key Features

Home Page:

Introduction with a professional headshot and a brief bio.

Highlights of key projects and skills.

About Page:

Detailed professional journey and background information.

Testimonials and endorsements.

Portfolio Page:

Showcase of Cameron’s best projects with detailed case studies.

Filter options to view projects by category.

Contact Page:

Easy-to-use contact form.

Links to social media profiles and downloadable resume.

Challenges & Solutions

Challenge: Ensuring the design stands out while remaining user-friendly.

Solution: Balanced creativity with usability by adhering to design principles that prioritize user experience without compromising on visual appeal.

Challenge: Making the site fully responsive across different devices.

Solution: Utilized Figma’s responsive design features to create adaptable layouts and tested the design on various devices to ensure compatibility.


The final design successfully met all the project objectives. Cameron’s personal portfolio website now serves as a powerful tool to showcase his skills and attract potential clients and employers. The site is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and fully responsive.


This project highlights the importance of combining strong UX/UI principles with a deep understanding of the client’s brand and goals. Through careful planning, research, and design execution, we created a portfolio website that not only showcases Cameron’s talents but also enhances his professional presence online.

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