AI legal assistant (YC S23)

Sahil Dave

Web Designer

UX Designer

Product Designer



Designed the MVP for an AI-based legal assistant (B2B) for Atla. Helped founders strategies with clarity.
atla uses AI safety techniques to make sense of the dense legal language, serving as a reliable ally in high-stakes legal decision-making. atla searches through millions of legal docs, then uses machine learning to extract key information from each source. This process-based reasoning leads to reliable answers. I worked with the founders to refine their vision into an actionable, iterative product roadmap. Interviewing real users and doing usability testing helped us leapfrog with the iterations. I was able to come up with solutions that'd solve users' problems while keeping the MVP scope small.


atla uses AI safety techniques to make sense of the dense legal language, serving as a reliable ally in high-stakes legal decision-making. atla searches through millions of legal docs, then uses machine learning to extract key information from each source. This process-based reasoning leads to reliable answers. I worked with the founders to refine their vision into an actionable, iterative product roadmap. Interviewing real users and doing usability testing helped us leapfrog with the iterations. I was able to come up with solutions that'd solve users' problems while keeping the MVP scope small.
Lawyers can start searching like Google or jump into their autosaved past searches
Lawyers can start searching like Google or jump into their autosaved past searches
 The "Summary" screen presents the AI-generated answer to the legal question and relevant sources.
The "Summary" screen presents the AI-generated answer to the legal question and relevant sources.


The current users, the legal teams at Volkswagen and N26, ask a legal question, and the AI assistant generates a reliable answer alongside the legal sources, documents and court decisions. The tool also lets them ask follow-up questions, and dig deeper to find the 'whole' answer.
The generated summary is always linked to the sources on the right. On hover, the user can copy, view the sources and rate.
The generated summary is always linked to the sources on the right. On hover, the user can copy, view the sources and rate.
A context menu is available when the user selects a part of the text
A context menu is available when the user selects a part of the text

Dig Deeper

On interviewing the lawyers, the biggest hurdle in adopting the software came to light. Lawyers needed to reduce liability, and a one-shot AI-generated summary did not cut it for them. They needed a way to go deeper into their research and find answers from different angles. After testing a few prototypes, we went with a threaded way of asking for follow-ups - Dig deeper.
The Dig Deeper helps lawyers reduce liability by helping them go further in their research
The Dig Deeper helps lawyers reduce liability by helping them go further in their research
The questions can be threaded and collapsed. Reducing clutter was a big challenge, solved by adding buttons in the hover state.
The questions can be threaded and collapsed. Reducing clutter was a big challenge, solved by adding buttons in the hover state.
Lawyers can also view full sources and jump to highlights relevant to the question
Lawyers can also view full sources and jump to highlights relevant to the question
The lawyers can also view full sources and jump to highlights relevant to the question
The lawyers can also view full sources and jump to highlights relevant to the question
I always give clear handover documentation to enable smooth development
I always give clear handover documentation to enable smooth development


Roman and Maurice did a successful YC launch in July '23 and the MVP is being used by the legal team of N26 and Volkswagen.
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Posted Dec 1, 2023

Designed the MVP for an AI-based legal assistant (B2B) for Atla. Helped founders strategise with clarity.






Web Designer

UX Designer

Product Designer



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