As my term as the country president forhas come to an end, I have been spending some time digesting all the things I have learned from reading books, watching videos and overall work experience.
The one thing I have been often told I am good at is helping people set personal goals within their professional experience. So I decided to create this simple illustration to showcase the method I have used over the years and found quite effective.
I believe it is extremely important for any business leader to be able to align personal goals with business goals - and to do so in a way that allows us to be able to become our ideal self (whatever our own definition of ideal is). I also believe the best possible way to do so is by ensuring our day to day roles and responsibilities allow us to practice the things that give us energy and strengthen us. [Remember that a strength is not something you are good at, a strength is something that strengthens you. Thank you!] This is why strength (as can be seen in the illustration) is the catalyst for achieving our ideal selves.
Furthermore, I think being allowed to do what we love in order to become who want to do is the single most important part of employee engagement and possibly the only way to "reliably" test it. But more on this as well as other elements later. I will be sharing more details about all the elements here as well as many more illustrations. Let me know what you guys think of them.