Writing: Here's what gaslighting actually is

Victoria Anne Wise

Copy Editor





Abusers try to isolate their victims from family and friends because they don’t want them to have a support network or see what’s actually happening beneath that Instagram Valencia veneer. Keep talking to people you love. Your abuser will try and turn you against them or vice versa, so it’s helpful to be able to recognise signs of manipulation.

“Oh, your brother said you’re always going to him and complaining. He’s sick of your bitching. He said you told him about our argument the other day.”
This makes you less likely to confide in your loved ones, worried that you’re a burden or they’ll talk to your partner. The likelihood is that they haven’t even spoken to your loved one.

I'm passionate about shining a light on the darkness many of us face.

Unfortunately, the statistics around domestic violence aren't good—they're horrifying.
In the US, 24 people per minute experience stalking or sexual or physical violence from an intimate partner. [The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2010, CDC]
Writing about these things and the warning signs is hugely important to me, so I created a long article about gaslighting and coercive control. Since writing it, I've been able to send it to a few people struggling with these behaviours, and they've been able to recognise the patterns of abuse. That's huge.
They've also realised it's not happening to them because they're worthless or to blame. That's the first step towards rebuilding self-esteem and escaping the clutches of evil.

Why choose me?

I came at this project from an empathic angle—unfortunately, I deeply understand this topic. That's why it's my goal to ensure many people know about these abusive tactics and understand that they are worthy of much more.
It is possible to escape systematic abuse, whether it's at the hands of family, a partner, or even a workplace. I'm living proof of that.
🟥 If you need a writer who understands how to address abuse or relationship issues with empathy, you've found her.
🟧 Even though I have a strong connection to this topic, my writing remains fully research-backed.
🟨 Abuse happens to everyone, so my writing is gender-neutral and inclusive.
🟩 As always, my content contains actionable advice to empower the reader.
🟦 I know how to make a reader feel heard and understood from personal experience.
🟪 Aside from all this, I'm also an editor, so my work is error-free and ready to go.
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Posted Oct 9, 2022

Writing a research-backed article from scratch. I come up with a lot of article ideas, and this is one of my favourites. Take a look and see how much you learn!






Copy Editor





Victoria Anne Wise

Native English Editor and Writer

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