Campaign Tool built in React

Lucy MacPhail

UX Designer
Web Developer
Google Sheets

Project Overview:

This was a volunteer project done in partnership with the Movement Research Unit (, to help centralise information about future political candidates that were statistically likely to win the UK election. The information was all collected by volunteers into a collaborative Google Sheet, and I had the task of fetching the data from that source and presenting it in a clear format.

Notable Features:

Information Hierarchy: There were a lot of candidates and some had huge amounts of information, so I sorted them into an accordion-style list.
Candidate Filtering: Users will usually focus on a particular area or policy, so candidates can be filtered in a few different ways;
Data Sanitation: Since the source data was collected by many different volunteers into a live Google sheet, it needed to be parsed and sanitised into a safe and consistent format before it reached the end user.
User sign-up: MRU were interested in collecting usage demographic information and contacts for future projects, so users could optionally sign up to let them know what they were using the tool for, and give permission to be contacted in the future.
Accessibility: Not only is the tool accessible to keyboard users and has proper colour contrast for all elements, it also has a dark mode which will automatically appear depending on local computer settings.
Mobile menu in both light and dark mode
Mobile menu in both light and dark mode
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