One way I fought I could solve the problem os the site over information was that I could create an extra page, an About page, I tested it druing the lo-fi phase and the results were positive, this way I could cut the extra information in the landing page and make more attractive. I also tried to find away to take that extra information in another way. I used two cards with Instapay and cashAdvance with only the title, images and a read more button, but users did not like this solution, it was still confusing to them what is Payton. So for the mid-fi I decided to try the same two cards but I would add a acordeon, I tested but the users still did not like this solution. So for the hi-fi I focus on adding only the necessry information and tried and write cathing and succinct phrases that would allow the user to understand what Payton ( more specifficly Instapay and CashAdvance) does and if they wnated more information they could click and navegate to the about page.