The Connection of Our Energetic Frequencies

savana soler

Article Writer
It is scientifically proven that energy surrounds us constantly in our everyday lives. Energy is what makes up the world! Everything that is in us is made up of energy, and everything we do requires energy. It can go towards something simple, such as me thinking and writing this article that requires my body to use energy. If you remember what you learned in science class in your school days, there are many different sources of energy. Energy falls into two basic categories: potential energy and kinetic energy. Let’s go to the beginning of where energy originates. The sun is our main source of energy. The truth is that we do not create nor can we destroy energy; we can simply only convert it. Humans are living energies and so our energy frequencies travel from one source to another and we can convert it to keep traveling throughout the universe. Energy medicine, also known as "vibrational energy", is generated by all the energies that surround our bodies. You may have had someone you were dating tell you that “you have good vibes,” which means the energy you brought around them was fruitful and enjoyable.
Vibrational energy alters from our emotions and moods. Someone who is depressed, fearful, or stressed will ‘vibe’ at a lower-level, versus a person who is happy and grateful. People that consider themselves spiritualists often refer to nature to encounter their energy source. Over decades, different cultures would describe their gods as energy forces. Those who believe in God believe in angels and spirits. They often believe that the sun, moon, stars, water, and other different elements are energy sources to connect them with the divine energy of the universe. In the Bible, a lot of the historic stories relate to nature - such as Moses parting the red sea in Exodus 14, Job 38:1 when God answers him out of a whirlwind, and Exodus 3 when God speaks to Moses through flames of fire within a bush. In each of these stories God has used earthy elements to connect with his people. Is it true to say that the energy of our higher power relates to energy of the earth? There are also those who also believe in natural healing remedies, where they use herbs, plants, and particles of the earth as their source of medication. They believe in the earth to bring forth their healing and overall well being. Can we say that energy is a power source for our healing and that the natural elements the earth provides contributes to this philosophy?
Humans over the years have referenced the word ‘power’ to the term ‘energy.’ When we think of power, we think of our electric energy. The same terminology goes for our own willpower, it is a power that we have within us. We are made up of over hundreds and thousands of substances, such as matter, atoms, and energetic fields. The law of vibrations is that every living thing is in constant motion and vibrating at a certain frequency. Over the years, while people often have to consider whether or not they are religious, we know there has been an increase in spiritual practices. Spiritual practices include meditating, journaling, bible study, reiki, the usage of crystals and healing tools, chakra practicing, tarot readings, etc. How can practicing spirituality change your energetic frequencies in your environment? I believe amongst many, that the saying “the energy you put into the world, is the energy you receive,” is to be true. Our vibrational frequency can be altered at any time in our lives. The key to understanding your frequencies and your energetic environment is to be in tune with yourself and analyze your energy daily. Our feelings and the experiences we face in life often determine the vibrations we carry with us. Energy medicine is growing to become the new way of the medical world. For example, therapy has been around for decades; energy medicine has taken a new approach on therapies and creates new techniques for energy healing. There are different practices that will help you attune to your vibrations where you can then seek other techniques to change what you see fit. Research shows that people who are energy medicine focused live a more joyful life. Not that these practices eliminate difficult times from our lives, but when you have high vibrations, you handle those situations with a more positive approach. The benefits of the practices I will be listing below have the potential to better influence every aspect of your life. If you are tired of feeling down all the time, and you are looking to elevate your vibrations, try the following practices.
• Meditation is the number one practice that may impact your vibrational energy. It requires comfortability, relaxation, and emotional control. Meditation uses the technique of breathing work and helps you align yourself with your inner self. It is proven to help improve health matters. People who suffer from anxiety can often benefit from meditation practices.
• Practicing self-care will help raise your vibrations by reflecting off the vibrations you are feeding to yourself. Self-care can include a dieting and fitness routine. Nourishing your body with rich healthy foods will increase your body’s energy, which will overall give your body the energy you need to function. When you eat unhealthy meals, it often leaves you feeling sluggish and unenergized.
• Remove negative stimulants. You can try removing people, places, and things that bring negative vibrations or drain your energy. Protecting our peace is a high priority when we are trying to maintain or grow high vibrations. It may be difficult to eliminate all sources of negative energy, but do what you can to manage the interactivity.
• Journaling is a release mechanism, as well as manifestation technique. You can choose to create your own journal prompts or find a journal that best fits your needs. Journaling is proven to improve your mental health. Day-to-day, you can list your priorities, problems, fears, past traumas, goals, habit tracking, etc. to help improve your day-to-day lifestyle. Journaling can help identify your patterns and you can delegate where the root of your low vibrations is coming from.
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