What is Friendship?

Hephzibah Solomon


Article Writer

Microsoft Word

As a young girl growing up, I’ve often wondered exactly what friendship is. It took a series of betrayals and a lot of tears before I realised what true friendship is.
Friendship is putting her first before yourself. It is shielding her from the bad things and being her safe space when the bad things catch up with her. It is staying up till 2am playing like 2 year olds even though you're teenagers. It is stabbing classes together just because one person does not want to attend the class. It is telling other people " of course I won't tell anyone" and then rushing to tell her the first chance you get.
It is buying food for her for a whole week when she is broke, and getting in trouble with your family for it.
It is never feeling jealous of her because you know everything she has, is yours to share.
It is laughing uncontrollably together over inside jokes.
It is hating on her toxic ex for treating her less than the princess she is.
It is going to dinner night with her as her date because her boyfriend is not in school and she feels lonely.
It is making memories with her because you want to be able to look back and see how far you both have come.
It is introducing her to your family and her fast becoming your second sister.
It's also in the dark moments.
When she bursts into your room in the middle of the night having a panic attack and you're there for her, taking slow breaths with her till it wears off.
When her dad's birthday comes up and she is in tears, because she is missing her dad and you hug her till she is fine.
When she gets admitted at the hospital and you gladly sleepover with her and make her stay fun.
When she goes through a nasty breakup and you help her through it.
When she has little anxious moments and can't stop tapping her hands and feet and you hold her hands or place your hands on her legs to reassure her.
When she has one of her many angry outbursts and everyone else calls her names and abandons her but you're there helping her through her frustrations.
It's in the arguments, malice and fights.
It is in the exchange of words that always leave you both in tears.
However, it is also in your growth, your understanding and your unwillingness to give up on each other.
It is in your finding God together, it is in the sacrifices you make for each other.
Friendship is a gift. And the thing about gifts is they leave a lasting impression.
A true friend is rare to find. If you are lucky enough to find one, cherish her forever.
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Posted Jan 17, 2024

I wrote an article on friendship using Microsoft Word .






Article Writer

Microsoft Word

Hephzibah Solomon

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